Ability to transfer the company administrator role to another member.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Company Profile > Click the ‘Delegate Role’ button.
Company Manager
View and edit company, group, and member information.
Edit messages in eformsign email and SMS notification templates.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage company' option.
Template manager
Access to the 'Manage templates' menu.
Upload, edit, deploy, and delete templates.
A template manager may not neccessarily be the template owner of a template. Only the template manager who uploaded a template becomes the template owner of that template.
If a template manager is not the owner of a template, one can only view and duplicate the template.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage templates' option in the 'Member info' tab.
Document Creator
Assign document creators to each template.
A document creator of a template can create documents from that template in the 'New from template' menu.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage
templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Template usage >
Group or member > choose the members and groups that can create documents from the
Template Editor
Assign template editors to each template.
A template editor of a template can edit the template.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage
templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Template editing > Group
or member > choose the members and groups that can edit the template.
Document Manager
Manage documents created from a template.
If a member is assigned as a document manager of a template, then the member can open, delete, download (in PDF & CSV) documents created from that template in the 'Manage documents' page.
How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Document management > Groups and members > choose the members and groups that can open, void, or permanently remove documents created from this template.